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Walk With God - Excodus 33:1-23


This morning we will learn from the person of a leader in the Old Testament. That is Moses, we turn to in Exodus chapter 33 verses 1 to 23

In the previous chapter explained how the Israelites who strayed from God's way, made a golden calf and worshiped it. This of course made God angry with the Israelites.

So in chapter 33, God told Moses to bring the Israelites to the land of Canaan. But God did not want to walk with them, because the nation of Israel was a hard-necked nation. Allah sent an angel to walk with them.

However, Moses stated clearly to God; that he would not walk unless he was with God. Moses realized that he was a weak (old) man, the Israelites were a foolish nation. Moses also realized that anything he could do because God was with him. So if God is not with him, then he will not be able to do anything. He would not be able to lead the Israelites.


What about our lives today? Are we still walking with God? Or are we going alone, feeling great so we don't need God? I hope so. We are human beings who have limitations in everything, therefore we need a person who is able to help each of our lives and is always with us. Let's build our relationship with God, and live our lives under God's leadership and guidance. So that we can live according to God's will.

That's all I can say, the Lord Jesus revealed.

Joko Prasetyo
Joko Prasetyo Pendiri dan Admin pikirankristen.com

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